Friday, June 10, 2016

JUST IN: [VIDEO] New Evidence Suggests The Associated Press Cooperated With Clinton Campaign


Mainstream media has been buzzing since Hillary Clinton claimed that she clinched the Democratic Party presidential nomination this week. But on Monday night, one media outlet seemed to jump the gun on the announcement. The day before the California primary, The Associated Press prematurely published an article titled, “AP count: Clinton has delegates to win Democratic nomination.”

Many angry voters voiced their suspicion regarding the Democratic establishment’s involvement in the premature announcement by AP.
One Twitter user posted a video clip showing an email she received from the Clinton campaign on Monday evening. The email includes the caption, “So this just happened,” with an arrow pointing below to a photo of the AP article, announcing that Clinton had supposedly reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination.
But when the Twitter user, who is known as @Cold_Stare, went to copy the URL into her browser, part of the URL contained the words “secret win V2,” with V2 most likely meaning version 2. The URL also contains the date June 4, 2016, obviously showing that this was something planned in advance by The AP, and quite possibly the Clinton campaign as well.

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