Sunday, June 20, 2010

F*ck Michele Bachman Flyers Hit Twin Cities

F*ck Michele Bachman Flyers Hit Twin Cities

The flyers also contain what's meant to represent blood splatter. All in the name of good music, I suppose.
Posters spotted around the Twin Cites with a four-letter vulgarity followed by a Minnesota Congresswoman's name have some asking who's responsible. It turns out, the posters are promoting an upcoming hip-hop concert.
From the idiot's MySpace page. MySpace? What a douchebag. Asterisks added.
G-Biz has recorded our classic club banger, F*ck Michele Bachmann, version 2010, with our all-star guests. It has become something far more epic and ethereal than we had hoped to achieve.
Michelle Bachmann is an embarrassment to us all. So now, you the people, get you chance to express your discontent for our crazy congresswoman with the G-Biz. We need you to make a remix of the F*ck Michele Bachmann 2010 summer hit. We have made the raw tracks available for remixing. We Got a high quality version, for you audiophiles, and low quality if you don't want to wait for the download. So drop us a line,, and we will send you the link to the tracks, please specify what version you want.
It was discussed on Hannity's show - audio below. Michele Bachman's site here.
Hannity: "I'm even sorry that I have to bring this up, but um, there is apparently a concert. I don't know if you've had a chance to see this. I don't even know how to say this. They're using your name as a headline, the "F" word and 2010. Have you heard about this?"
Bachmann: "I have, I have. It was just brought to my attention yesterday. And um, this is part of a pattern. I know you've reported on this before, there's a Playboy article. They had highlighted various conservative women and talked about the very lewd, derogatory, hateful, violent things that they wanted to do toward those women. I was one of those women. And this is aconcert series, as you said, where they're using this degrading terminology. Also in Minneapolis there's a comic book series that was written showing me in a similar light.

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