Showing posts with label superdelegates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superdelegates. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2016

MDP Women's Caucus Excludes Poor Women and Their Issues, Again

Originally published October 10, 2015.

Once again, the Michigan Democratic Party is having an absolutely fabulous #MDP Toll Fest.

Michigan Democratic Women's Caucus screening attendees
"What is a Toll Fest?", you may ask.  Allow me to explain.

A Toll Fest is when an elite group charges a fee, typically not a nominal one, to access entry into the group.  If you do not pay the fee, your voice is excluded.

Toll Fests are closed systems designed to exclude any social media exposure or input.

Think of it as a roaring groupthink party where they celebrate the fact that they came up with a national agenda once again without engaging the majority of the population it is suppose to be representing.

The event is in Detroit, the largest concentration of voters and poverty in the State of Michigan.

The event also does not seem to understand that the highest population of children in poverty rate in the industrialized world is in Detroit, where women are the primary caregivers.

The entry fee to the National Federation of Democratic Women Midwest Regional Conference and Issues Conference is $40, $50 with lunch.

Do not dare to even ask for daycare.  "The nerve!"

No hardship exceptions are offered but it does not matter.  Everyone knows poor people do not vote.

Join the Michigan Democratic Women's Caucus 
for the
National Federation of Democratic Women Midwest Regional Conference and Issue Conference
Saturday, October 24
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
COBO Convention Center
Detroit, MI 
For more information and to purchase tickets click here.
Speakers include:
Jennie BlacktonDemocratic Media Consultant and Award-Winning Writer (One Day at a Time)
Renee Branch Canady PhDEvery Woman's Business: Policy that Promotes Women, Infant, Child Health & Well Being
A'shanti F. Gholar, DNC
Christine Greig, Michigan State Representative
Anne Pope, Why the 1965 Voting Right Act Still Matters
Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
Michigan Democratic State Central Committee
606 Townsend St.
Lansing MI 48933 United States

Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: MDP Women's Caucus Excludes Poor Women and Their Issues, Again
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare 

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

Saturday, May 7, 2016

At Maine convention, Democrats to vote on eliminating superdelegates

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to Sen. Bernie Sanders speak during a Democratic debate hosted by CNN and New York One at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York April 14, 2016.
Maine Democrats will vote on a rule change at this weekend’s state convention that could reshape future presidential contests.
The proposed change could also prompt a floor fight between supporters of presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Portland state Rep. Diane Russell, who is introducing the rule, is hopeful that the fight won’t happen, but that so-called superdelegates will be eliminated in 2020.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©