Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Jeremy Scahill: TigerSwan Security, Linked to Blackwater, Now Coordinates Intel for Dakota Access
e speak with Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill, who has spent years reporting on private security contractors such as the private security firm TigerSwan, which has links to the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and is in charge of coordinating intelligence for the Dakota Access pipeline company. He discusses the company’s track record as more than 100 Native Americans and allies fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline have been injured by police in North Dakota. Many were attacked with rubber bullets, tear gas, mace canisters and water cannons in freezing temperatures. The attack began after the water protectors attempted to clear access to a public bridge, which has been blocked by authorities using military equipment chained to concrete barriers.
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Jeremy Scahill,
Donald Trump and Mitt Romney

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LePage says Mainers didn’t understand referendum questions
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Republican Gov. Paul LePage says he will propose slashing the income tax rate to lessen the impact of a new income surtax and minimum wage hike that Mainers approved this month.
The idea will be in LePage’s budget proposal due in January. In a letter to legislators, LePage said Maine voters didn’t understand the specifics of ballot questions they approved to raise the minimum wage and directly fund schools through a new surtax on individual Maine taxable income above $200,000.
LePage said the tax would make Maine’s income tax the second highest in the nation, and claimed the wage hike would increase prices and slash restaurant servers’ pay.
LePage proposes removing the income tax on pensions, reduce the cost of medications and make it harder to foreclose on elderly homeowners.
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minimum wage,
Paul LePage,
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Trey Gowdy's Furious "What Happened To Hillary Clinton's 14,000 Emails?"
Ah...and that is how the epic romance reached its apex.
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Hillary Clinton,
State Department,
Trey Gowdy
Trey Gowdy Shocks Congress Then Walks Off Like A Boss
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
Robert Kennedy Jr, "Trump Has A $2 Million Stake in the Dakota Pipeline"
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Barack Obama,
Donald Trump,
Native Americans,
oil spill,
Robert Kennedy,
1,000 Clinton-Petraeus emails missing from records sent to State, FBI files show

Roughly 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were thought to be missing from the 30,000 emails provided by Clinton’s team to the State Department in December 2014, according to the newly released FBI investigative files.
Additional documents obtained through a federal lawsuit by Judicial Watch show Clinton had directed Petraeus to send her emails at her personal address, which was used for all government work during her tenure as secretary of state.
In a heavily redacted FBI interview summary from Aug. 17, 2015, a State Department employee from the Office of Information and Programs and Services (IPS), which handles Freedom of Information Act requests, discussed how Petraeus’ records apparently were not among the work-related emails provided by the former secretary's team. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
David Petraeus,
Eric Braverman,
Hillary Clinton,
judicial watch,
Marc Turi
Will a Trump Administration make life harder for undocumented immigrants? It looks like it....
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attorney general,
Donald Trump,
Jeff Sessions,
voting rights
Is Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions a Racist?
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attorney general,
Donald Trump,
Jeff Sessions,
voting rights
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Governor suspends sheriff, pending removal

McKenzie County Sheriff Gary Schwartzenberger was placed on interim suspension Wednesday night, pending his removal from office, by Gov. Jack Dalrymple.
The governor ordered the interim suspension based on a recommendation from Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem after McKenzie County requested the sheriff be removed under a process available in state law.
The petition for removal was made by the county’s acting State’s Attorney Todd Schwarz on Oct. 24, alleging the sheriff is guilty of misconduct, malfeasance, crime in office, neglect of duty or gross incompetency. The county commission had voted in support of the petition for removal.
In a recommendation dated Wednesday, just short of the 30-day window to make his findings on the petition, Stenehjem said the allegations were investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and he recommended following through on removal.
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Friday, November 25, 2016
I’ll take “fake” news over “real” news any day
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fake news,
Hillary Clinton,
Pied Piper
Report: Trump team wants Romney to apologize
Fox News is reporting that Donald Trump’s transition team wants Mitt Romney to publicly apologize for railing against the president-elect during the campaign.
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
Ex-Black Caucus chair backs Pelosi challenger

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) secured a significant endorsement on Wednesday in his bid to challenge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.
In a statement, Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge said her fellow Ohioan offered what she believes is a necessary change after another disappointing election cycle for House Democrats.
Pelosi had predicted double-digit gains to cut into the House GOP majority in 2016, but Democrats have only netted six seats. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
Marcia Fudge,
Nancy Pelosi,
Tim Ryan
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Trump Foundation Admits to Self-Dealing Violations
The Donald J. Trump Foundation, the private foundation established by President-elect Donald Trump, indicated in its 2015 filing with the Internal Revenue Service that it violated a legal prohibition against "self-dealing," the Washington Post reports.
In the section of the Trump Foundation's 2015 Form 990-PF where the foundation is asked to indicate whether it transferred income or assets to a disqualified person or persons — a category that can include the foundation’s leadership, related businesses, or the founding donor's family members — the form was checked "yes." On another line, the foundation indicated it also had engaged in self-dealing in previous years. Such violations can carry penalties, and the foundation's leaders can be required to repay money that it spent on their own behalf. Whether the foundation has already been assessed or paid penalties related to self-dealing, however, is unclear. The Trump Foundation was established nearly thirty years ago and had not previously admitted to such a violation. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
Donald Trump,
Trump Foundation
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f−−−ing firing squad’
Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.
“It was like a f−−−ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing-down,” the source added.
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Monday, November 21, 2016
Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
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Deficits could stand in the way of Trump's agenda

Trump called during the campaign for a $1 trillion infrastructure package, $5 trillion in tax cuts, increases in military spending and the repeal ObamaCare, which could cost more than $350 billion over 10 years.
At the same time, the president-elect has promised “not to touch” Social Security or make cuts to Medicare.
The cost of Trump’s plans and the lack of concrete details on how to pay for them could become a problem for congressional Republicans next year, especially when they are faced with raising the nation’s $20 trillion borrowing limit sometime after March.
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Sunday, November 20, 2016
Edward Snowden talking about New President Donald Trump
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Donald Trump,
Edward Snowden,
Phil Zimmerman,
National Security Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA

The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.
The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
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Ashton Carter,
Donald Trump,
James Clapper,
Michael Rogers,
national security,
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Trump’s Michigan Director Running To Be Next State GOP Chair

LANSING (AP) – The Michigan director for Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign is running to lead the state Republican Party.
Scott Hagerstrom announced his bid Friday. Current chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel is planning to run again but is also under consideration by Trump to head the Republican National Committee. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
Donald Trump,
Ronna Romney
Federal Bureau of Prisons Renews Private Prison Contract

Back in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has extended one of its contracts with the for-profit prison company CoreCivic, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America. This comes despite the fact the Justice Department announced in August the bureau would phase out its contracts with private prison companies, after finding higher rates of violence, abuse and neglect in these facilities.
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"Pollution kills more people every year than wars, car accidents, and homicides combined." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Arnold Schwarzenegger,
climate change,
Dems pledge to fight Sessions nomination
Senate Democrats are pledging to fight Sen. Jeff Sessions's nomination to be attorney general, arguing the pick feeds into larger concerns they have about the Trump administration.
Democrats are raising questions about whether the Alabama Republican would be able to provide equal protection to all Americans, three decades after Sessions was blocked from a federal judgeship because of racism accusations that surfaced during his confirmation hearing. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
attorney general,
Jeff Sessions,
Designer Sophie Theallet Vows Never To Work With Melania Trump

In her eight years in the White House, Michelle Obama became a sweetheart of the fashion world, beloved by designers thrilled to dress her. For at least one of those industry stars, those days are gone.
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Melenia Trump,
Michelle Obama,
Sophie Theallet
‘Apologize!’: Trump hits ‘Hamilton’ cast for confronting Pence
President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday criticized the cast of “Hamilton” for confronting the incoming vice president the night before.Tonight, VP-Elect Mike Pence attended #HamiltonBway. After the show, @BrandonVDixon delivered the following statement on behalf of the show.— Hamilton (@HamiltonMusical) November 19, 2016 Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2016
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Brandon Dixon,
Donald Trump,
free speech,
Mike Pence,
Trump plans to spend more time with Obama learning the ropes: report
President-elect Donald Trump will spend more time with President Obama learning the ins and outs of the presidency, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
The president-elect's team reportedly was unaware of the fact that he needed to hire a full White House staff upon taking the Oval Office.
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
Trump offers retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn the job of national security adviser, a person close to the transition says

The most influential national security job in the still-forming Trump administration was offered to Michael T. Flynn, according to a person close to the transition who requested anonymity to discuss internal conversations. Flynn is a retired three-star general who helped dismantle insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq but then surprised — and sometimes dismayed — colleagues by joining the political insurgency led by Donald Trump.
As a decorated military intelligence officer and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have deep experience to draw upon if he serves as Trump’s principal point of contact with the State Department, the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies. But Flynn has also shown an erratic streak since leaving government that would likely make his elevation disconcerting even to those who once considered him a peer.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.
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David Petraeus in the running to be Trump's secretary of state

David Petraeus – the former US army general and CIA director who was prosecuted for mishandling classified information – has entered the race to become Donald Trump’s secretary of state, diplomatic sources said on Thursday.
Petraeus resigned in November 2012 after the FBI discovered he had had an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, and had shared classified information with her. He eventually pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge for mishandling the information. People who have seen him recently say he is anxious to return to public life and has privately refused to rule out serving in a Trump administration.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
You can't always get what you want...
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NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Confronts Trump in Person

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio met with President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday morning at Trump Tower to discuss the "concerns and needs of all New Yorkers," De Blasio said in an afternoon press conference. The meeting, which lasted just over an hour, touched on Trump's proposed deregulation of Wall Street, his proposed ban on Muslim immigration, and his plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants.
De Blasio, a Democrat, said he told Trump he was "very concerned" about Trump's "exclusionary polices toward Muslims," adding that "there are 900 Muslim members of the NYPD protecting all of us." He also decried Trump's "hurtful" rhetoric, especially the president-elect's decision to appoint Steve Bannon as a chief White House advisor, after Bannon's long track record publishing racist and sexist content as the head of Breitbart News.
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Bill de Blasio,
Donald Trump,
new york,
Steve Bannon
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Rule 41 change probably won’t get congressional action
UPHILL CLIMB ON RULE 41 — It’s increasingly unlikely that the House and Senate will take action to block a pending change to government hacking powers. The proposed alteration to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure would let judges grant electronic search warrants for devices whose locations aren't known, and permit them to authorize remote searches of devices not in their jurisdiction. Congress has until Dec. 1 to halt the Rule 41 amendment, which critics fear could vastly expand government surveillance authority but proponents say is a mere technical necessity in today’s digital age. Sens. Ron Wyden and Rand Paul have sponsored legislation to block the update.
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Trump Dumps Christie Over Bridge-gate: 'Stupid Thug Had to Go'
President-elect Donald Trump is finished with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as news continues to come out about his handling of the Bridge-gate scandal, according to The New York Post.
The Post reports that Trump is so "disgusted" with Christie’s management style as revealed in a recent court case that he’s "kicking" the governor out of his inner circle. is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
Cummings Calls on Chaffetz to Launch Inquiry into Trump’s So-Called “Blind Trust
Washington, D.C. (Nov. 14, 2016)—Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent a letter to Chairman Jason Chaffetz requesting that the Oversight Committee immediately begin conducting a review of President-elect Donald Trump’s financial arrangements to ensure that he does not have any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and that he and his advisors comply with all legal and regulatory ethical requirements when he assumes the presidency.
November 14, 2016
The Honorable Jason Chaffetz
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr. Chairman:
I am writing to request that the Oversight Committee immediately begin conducting a review of President-elect Donald Trump’s financial arrangements to ensure that he does not have any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and that he and his advisors comply with all legal and regulatory ethical requirements when he assumes the presidency.
We have never had a president like Mr. Trump in terms of his vast financial entanglements and his widespread business interests around the globe. Moreover, we have not had a presidential candidate in modern times who has refused to disclose his tax returns to the American people. Mr. Trump’s unprecedented secrecy and his extensive business dealings in foreign countries raise serious questions about how he intends to avoid conflicts of interest as president.
Press reports indicate that Mr. Trump will be relying heavily on his children to operate his financial empire, but these same individuals have played a significant role in his presidential campaign and continue to advise Mr. Trump on his transition team. This is certainly not a “blind trust.”
Congress has put in place several laws to avoid financial conflicts of interest—both actual and perceived. The Oversight Committee has direct jurisdiction over these financial interest laws and the White House.
For these reasons, I request that the Committee immediately begin a review of these issues and invite appropriate officials designated by Mr. Trump to hear from them directly about their plans. It is critical that we conduct this review as soon as possible to ensure that these questions are answered prior to Mr. Trump assuming office.
For the past six years, you and other Republicans in Congress have launched numerous investigations against President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and some of these have been used for partisan political purposes, as Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy admitted regarding the Benghazi Committee.
Now that Republicans control the White House and Congress, it is incumbent on you and other Republicans to conduct robust oversight over Mr. Trump—not for partisan reasons, but to ensure that our government operates effectively and efficiently and combats even the perception of corruption or abuse.
Elijah E. Cummings
Ranking Member
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Donald Trump,
Elijah Cummings,
Jason Chaffetz,
voting rights
Trump 'fine' with Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling
Donald Trump is "fine" with same-sex marriage and doesn't think the Supreme Court needs to revisit the matter, the president-elect said Sunday, diverting from the Republican Party's official position on the matter.
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
Reid endorses Ellison for DNC chief

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he supports making Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
“My friend Keith Ellison is a terrific leader and a strong progressive who knows how to get things done,” he said Sunday, according to NBC News.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©Saturday, November 12, 2016
Day 17 - Braverman Still Missing After Election
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Clinton Foundation,
Eric Braverman,
Hillary Clinton,
John Podesta,
Marc Turi,
Friday, November 11, 2016
Irony Of Ironies: Valerie Plame Is Pimping Hillary Clinton For President…
For the record...

Irony of ironies, as it is Hillary Clinton, who allegedly put the lives of CIA operatives in danger.
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Irony of ironies, as it is Hillary Clinton, who allegedly put the lives of CIA operatives in danger.
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Hillary Clinton,
Joe Wilson,
Valerie Plame
Mikey Weinstein Threatens To Sue Michele Bachmann For ‘Lies’ In Military Religion Fundraising Email
For the record...
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Attorney and activist Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, told U.S. News & World Report Tuesday that he’s considering a lawsuit against Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) over a recent fundraising email that he claims spreads “complete and utter lies” about him.
Bachmann launched a new fundraising campaign last week, seeking to capitalize on a recent controversy over a Pentagon announcement clarifying that religious proselytization is not permitted in the armed services.
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The DNC Campaigned For Donald Trump
Before you dismiss me, as many have previously done when I promoted the concept that there was DNC money connected to Trump, take a moment to look at other social media reports explaining how the Democratic Party executed its "Pied Piper Strategy".
You All Know That The Clinton Campaign Deliberately Plotted To Get Trump Nominated, Right?
Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: The DNC Campaigned For Donald Trump Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare
You All Know That The Clinton Campaign Deliberately Plotted To Get Trump Nominated, Right?
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy
Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: The DNC Campaigned For Donald Trump Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare
Clinton's Pied Piper Strategy (use media contacts to promote Trump) has backfired spectacularly. PDF of our leak:— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 9, 2016
"This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field. Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise in intended to put those ideas to paper. "
Well, well, well, it looks as if we my have a bit of backroon collusion not just within the Democratic Party, but, also with some folks over there in the Trump camp and main stream media.
I wonder if there is a financial connection through the Clinton Foundation, CGI, via the DNC and Trump.
The plot thickens for the Congress.
Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: The DNC Campaigned For Donald Trump
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©I wonder if there is a financial connection through the Clinton Foundation, CGI, via the DNC and Trump.
The plot thickens for the Congress.
Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: The DNC Campaigned For Donald Trump
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare
Clinton Foundation,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
John Conyers,
Pied Piper,
voting rights
Jordan GOES OFF on Establishment Media!
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Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Jordan Chariton,
Clinton aides blame FBI director, media for devastating loss
Top aides to Hillary Clinton are blaming FBI Director James Comey and the media for the Democrat’s devastating loss in the presidential election.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, communications director Jennifer Palmieri and other Clinton aides sought to provide explanations during a private conference call Thursday with supporters of the Democratic nominee for a loss that to many came out of nowhere.
They were pressed on the call for answers and insight from supporters stung by the surprise loss.
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Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
James Comey,
Jennifer Palmieri,
John Podesta,
Jonathan Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Putin reacts to Trump victory as he speaks at ceremony to welcome new ambassadors (Streamed Live)
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Donald Trump,
United States,
Vladimir Putin
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Unpopular media sees ratings spike

Cable news networks are making billions off the 2016 presidential election, even as the media’s approval ratings take a nosedive with the public.
In a contest pitting two historically disliked general election candidates against each other, the media is even less popular.
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Ted Nugent grabs himself onstage at Trump rally in Michigan: 'I've got your blue state right here'
Ted Nugent groped himself onstage Sunday while warming up a crowd in Michigan for Donald Trump.
“I’ve got your blue state right here,” Nugent said as he grabbed his crotch. “Black and blue.”
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Gov. LePage says Maine will no longer participate in refugee program
PORTLAND (WGME) – Governor Paul LePage says he's making big changes to how Maine participates in the federal refugee resettlement program.
Friday afternoon, when the governor was in the CBS 13 studio, he told our Jon Chrisos the state would stop helping resettle refugees here in Maine.
He's sent a letter to the president, ending the state's participation in the program.
It's a controversial move, but he says he's just lost confidence in the federal government's ability to safely and responsibly run the refugee program.
Letter to Obama Refugee Program by WGME on Scribd
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Sunday, November 6, 2016
Trump’s Staff Have Taken Away His Twitter Account

A new report from the New York Times reveals that staffers on the Donald Trump campaign have taken direct control of the @realDonaldTrump twitter account away from the GOP candidate. Though Trump still dictates tweets to his press team, including spokeswoman Hope Hicks, they now vet and edit those communiques.
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Saturday, November 5, 2016
Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL INTERVIEW)
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Clinton Foundation,
Clinton Global Initiative,
Hillary Clinton,
John Pilger,
Julian Assange,
Friday, November 4, 2016
I’d like to warn you that the Democrats may rig the elections on November 8. This may be possible because of the software installed in the FEC networks by the large IT companies.
As I’ve already said, their software is of poor quality, with many holes and vulnerabilities.
I have registered in the FEC electronic system as an independent election observer; so I will monitor that the elections are held honestly.
I also call on other hackers to join me, monitor the elections from inside and inform the U.S. society about the facts of electoral fraud.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Michele Bachmann refuses to back down on claims about Huma Abedin
![]() |
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann |
(CBS News) WASHINGTON - Former GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and four other conservative members of Congress are charging that people with ties to Muslim extremists have infiltrated the federal government.
Sen. John McCain denounced the allegations Wednesday, calling them "sinister" and saying they "need to stop."
Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has been singled out.
The State Department has responded to the allegations with very harsh language, calling Bachmann's charges "vicious and disgusting lies."
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Huma Abedin,
John McCain,
Michele Bachmann,
A Brief History Of Blatant Sexism On Cable News | HuffPost News
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton. Epic Rap Battles of History.
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Hillary Clinton & James Comey - "What Difference Does It Make"
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©Hillary Clinton & James Comey - "What Difference Does It Make"#FBIsongs 👮 🚨— Vote Trump Pics (@VoteTrumpPics) November 1, 2016
Thank you @socialistmop for this awesome video.
Priebus gets a challenger in RNC chair’s race
Ned Ryun is soliciting support for an anti-establishment campaign for RNC chair if Trump loses and Priebus seeks reelection.

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A self-styled outsider conservative is preparing to challenge Reince Priebus for the leadership of the Republican National Committee if Donald Trump loses next week's election.
Preibus has worked hard to lock down enough support to handily win if he chooses to run for reelection, but he’s not going to go unchallenged.
Ned Ryun, a career GOP operative who is the son of former five-term Republican Congressman Jim Ryun, intends to run for head of the RNC if Trump loses and Priebus seeks reelection, two sources familiar with Ned Ryun’s planning tell POLITICO.Read more:
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Donald Trump,
Ned Ryun,
Reince Priebus,
Michelle Obama Deletes Hillary Clinton From Twitter

Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts as news breaks that Clinton is under two different FBI investigations involving four FBI offices.
The @FLOTUS account has been wiped clean of all traces of Hillary, and @MichelleObama, a verified page with almost six million followers, has been scrubbed all the way back to 2013.
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You're F*ckin' Highvoting
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CNN head: Brazile’s reported dealings with Clinton campaign ‘disgusting’

CNN’s president says he has "no tolerance" for the behavior of former contributor Donna Brazile, who reportedly shared debate questions with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
“It hurts all of us,” Jeff Zucker said during an editorial meeting on Tuesday, according to The Huffington Post. He also called Brazile’s reported behavior “unethical” and “disgusting.”
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Donna Brazile,
Hillary Clinton,
Jeff Zucker
FBI Mysteriously Releases Files From Its 2001 Investigation Into Bill Clinton Pardon of Marc Rich

With only a week until Election Day, the FBI on Tuesday mysteriously released 129 pages of documents from its 2001 investigation into the pardon of Marc Rich by then-President Bill Clinton.
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