Sunday, September 12, 2010

Michelle Bachman attacks Nancy Pelosi in letter mailing campaign

Michelle Bachman attacks Nancy Pelosi in letter mailing campaign

I received a letter in the mail from Michele Bachmann a few days ago and would like to share it with you. The letter speaks for itself so here you go!

Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are challenging the very foundations of our constitution, our democracy, our freedoms and our economy. Every where you turn, you'll find that the common sense, conservative ideals which made America the greatest nation on the face of the earth are under a withering assault. Whether it's the democrats in Washington, mega-media moguls in New York, the red carpet crowd in Hollywood, or big labor union leaders, greedy trial lawyers, militant pro-abortionists and environmental extremist.

Under speaker Pelosi's leadership, they roam the halls of the capitol as if they own the place. It makes me sad when I think of all the horrible legislation Nancy Pelosi has rammed through the house of representatives. I've never been afraid to speak out about what speaker Pelosi's policies are doing to destroy America's prosperities and freedoms.

My blunt criticism of the speaker and her extreme liberal agenda has painted a giant red bull's-eye on my back as one of her top targets for defeat this November. But she's not trying to bring me down simply to squelch criticism of her iron-fisted leadership and her San Francisco-left wing agenda. For her, this is more personal.

With a republican tidal wave about to sweep across the Potomac and sweep dozens of democratic incumbents out of office, Nancy Pelosi's only chance to keep her iron grip on power is to direct millions of liberal special interest dollars against republican incumbents in competitive districts across America.

It just so happens that I am honored to serve one of those districts.

Two years of speaker Pelosi under a republican president was bad enough. It will take years to clean up the mess left behind by two more years of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama in the white house. They've spent billions we don't have on programs we don't need. Their "stimulus" plan to jump-start our economy tripled our national debt and caused hundreds of thousands of people to lose their jobs. They've rammed through a horrible Obamacare bill that nationalizes one-sixth of our economy, creates a massive new government bureaucracy and rations the care you are eligible to receive.

They've bailed out failing car makers, insurance companies and giant wall street banks, but raised taxes and added crippling legislation that hurts main street businesses. They've set their sights on your second amendment rights to own a gun, and at the behest of radical feminist groups your tax dollars will soon be used to end the lives of precious unborn children.

That's just what they've done so far.

Next on their agenda is a national energy tax, based on junk science, that will cost your family thousands of dollars each year and kill tens of thousands of jobs. They're preparing to ram through card-check legslation- written by big labor bosses- that will take away the right of workers to cast secret ballots in union elections.

Pelosi and her fellow liberal democrats are working to turn the entire nation into one big "sanctuary city" like her hometown of San Francisco. (where millions of undocumented illegal immigrants aren't asked for identification, but instead welcomed with open arms, eventually granted amnesty and ultimately granted citizenship!)

Guess who's paying for it all? You are!
And your about to pay more. A lot more.

That's because Pelosi and Obama plan to let the Bush tax cuts of 2001 2003 expire at the end of this year. So, beginning in 2011 the average family of four will pay an additional $2,200 in income taxes. I could probably fill another ten pages of terrible legislation that speaker Nancy Pelosi has guided through the house of representatives in the past few years.

But the fact is that I'm in the middle of the toughest re-election fight of my life.

If Nancy Pelosi is successful in defeating me, she'll most likely have the votes to serve another term as speaker. And if that's the case, I fear that America may never recover from the harm that she and Barack Obama can do with two more years of complete and total unchecked power!

I believe in less government, lower taxes and more freedom. And as I've said many times before, I'd rather risk my seat in congress than retreat from those ideals simply to placate the radical wishes of an angry, well-funded liberal mob.

Will you help me win my re-election campaign, and deny speaker Pelosi another term as speaker, and stop them? Yours truly, Michelle Bachmann.

end of letter:

Bachmann describes a "gangster government"

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