Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tea Party Racism Petition

Tea Party Racism Petition
The stated mission of the NAACP is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.”

The stated mission of the Tea Party Patriots is to “attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with the intent of the United States Constitution.”

We believe these two missions are not inconsistent and that the NAACP should be embracing the individual freedom and responsibility promoted by the movement. It is nothing less than "hate speech" for the NAACP to be smearing us as “racists” and “bigots.” We believe, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a colorblind, post-racial society. And we believe that when an organization lies and resorts the desperate tactics of racial division and hatred, they should be publicly called on it.

If you agree, please sign the enclosed Petition below addressed to NAACP President Ben Jealous, demanding his organization revoke its attacks in the Tea Party movement and join with us in the march for liberty.

I hereby urge you to revoke the recent NAACP resolution condeming the Tea Party movement as “racist” and to instead, embrace it and its members as fellow foot soldiers in the the never ending crusade for liberty, justice and prosperity for all.

The NAACP was founded on those same principles and on the need to protect those demanding liberty from the smears and threats of the oppressors.

It is for this reason that I respectfully demand that the NAACP adhere to its great traditions and core values and reject demands by the political powers that threaten the Tea Party movement.

I also respectfully ask that instead, the NAACP now join with millions of their fellow Americans who, like its members, simply want to live in peace, free from the chains of the federal government.

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