Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tea Baggers and Coffee Grinders find common ground

The conservatives consider poverty (i.e. moral, financial, social, educational, economical, language) to be grounds for abuse and neglect as justification to remove a child and terminate parental rights.

This thought was put to paper in the form of a poem written by Rudyard Kipling, called "The White Man's Burden." The poem speaks upon the burdens of taking savages, erasing their cultural histories and assimilation.

Then, you have on the liberal side those who believe that the foster care system, complete with all its services and programs, is the only solution to end abuse and neglect which is a result of poverty by terminating parental rights and adoption.

This idea was put to paper by Henry Labouchere entitled "The Brown Man's Burden. The idea was to give so many burdens to assimilate that they would fail and fall back into servitude.

The peculiar institution has been never been dismantled, it lives on as the child welfare industry, an industry without accountability nor transparency, riddled with fraud, waste and abuse, and supported by tea baggers and coffee grinders alike.

Finally, something in common!

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