Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann says her new ministry to the U.N. is “a vital part of preparing the world for the End Times.”
Right Wing Watch reports the former Republican congresswoman discussed her new ministry to the U.N. last weekend at right-wing pastor Jim Garlow’s Skyline Church.
Claiming that “the return of Jesus Christ is imminent,” and noting that “the clock is striking 11:59 on God’s time clock and as history is culminating in as read in Revelation,” Bachmann explained the supposed importance of her new mission:
I believe that God is starting a new thing, and because the time is short before Christ comes again to this earth, He is giving everyone one more chance.There was an attempt in the book of Genesis for all of the nations to come together and to raise a fist against God in pride and arrogance. It was called the Tower of Babel, and God dispersed the people at the Tower of Babel. Never again did all the nations of the earth come together until the League of Nations, under President Woodrow Wilson. That broke up, it didn’t work and then we have World War II and the U.N. was started and it’s been an organization that has had a lot of negative repercussions because it is not under a holy authority of a mighty God and there’s been vain imaginations of a fist again against an almighty God.
Previously, Michele Bachmann served as part of President Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, providing “support” to Trump on “issues important to Evangelicals and other people of faith in America.”
Read more at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2017/08/michele-bachmann-named-pastor-united-nations/#mEjZHccYiTzWY8Py.99
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