Thursday, September 15, 2016

Leaked Colin Powell emails reveal Clinton's apparent disdain for Obama

My question is why the media has not raised the issue of the fact that Colin Powell's emails were hacked about 2 weeks before he sent scathing emails about Hillary Clinton.

Makes one want to go, hmmmm.

Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama in Beijing, China in 2009.

The "revelation" that Powell has disdain for Trump can't be much of a surprise given his past endorsement of President Barack Obama and the fact that so many of his fellow generals and national security peers have publicly pushed back against the Republican nominee for months. Plus, seeing Trump being called a national disgrace or worse in the news media is pretty much an hourly occurrence in America these days and he's still surging in the polls. 
Far more damaging are the emails where Powell discusses Clinton, her email scandal, her health, and her apparent hatred of President Obama. I suspect each of these suddenly very current topics, and not the slam on Trump, are the real reason why the alleged hacking outfit, chose to publish the emails now.

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