Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Deeply Moving Message from Bernie Sanders

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Arizona Secretary Of State Confirms Election Fraud Did Happen (VIDEO)

Monday’s hearing on voter suppression and election fraud in Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election revealed a slew of failures, which took place at virtually every level of government, all of which contributed to the state’s May 22 election fiasco .

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Monday, March 28, 2016

David Brock and Hillary Use Augmented Southern Strategy Against Sanders

The full segment: breaks down the Establishment's bipartite, mirror image Augmented Southern Strategy. (ASS)

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

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Republicans Demand To Open Carry Firearms At Cleveland Convention

Americans for Responsible Open Carry opened a petition this week, asserting that the people attending the upcoming Republican Convention have a right to bring their guns.

The event is being held at Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena, which has a strict "no guns" policy, but Ohio is an open carry state, so gun enthusiasts complain that their second amendment rights are being abridged. 

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

LaVoy Finicum Supporters Threatened To Burn Qurans, Kill Police And Oregon Governor

Law enforcement and state officials continue to receive death threats from people angered over the shooting of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.
“Kill cops because they are cops, if for no other reason,” one man believed to be from Oregon wrote on social media. “Just walk up asking for directions and shoot them in the [expletive] face.”

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Friday, March 25, 2016

'Peace' bird sends Sanders crowd a-flutter

“I think that maybe there may be some symbolism here. I know it doesn’t look like it but that bird is really a dove asking us for world peace,” the Democratic candidate said. "No more wars."

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Sanders campaign blasts Clinton over Clooney dinner

Bernie Sanders’s campaign lashed out at Hillary Clinton on Friday for a lavish fundraising dinner her campaign has planned with actor George Clooney.

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Like Obama in 2008, Bernie Sanders Is Experiencing ‘Dirty Politics’ From Clinton’s Campaign


With allegations of voter suppression in Arizona, as well as questions about the Clinton campaign’s tactics in Iowa, Nevada, and other states, some historical context is needed. In 2008, The Atlantic published an article explaining “dirty politics” and voting “irregularities” titled Obama Manager Accuses Clintons of Widespread Dirty Politics:

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*Updated* – The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…

Oh dear, the National Enquirer has come out with a story claiming evidence of multiple sexual trysts by presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz.
Worse yet for the Cruz camp, the framework within the article is structurally very concerning:
cruz tabloid

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

The State of American Politics

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When it comes to subtly shading President Obama, Bill Clinton just can’t help himself

Earlier this week, while speaking at a Hillary Clinton campaign rally in Washington state, former President Bill Clinton asserted that a vote for his wife, Hillary, would help America put “the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that, where we were practicing trickle-down economics with no regulation in Washington…”

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Clinton rakes in cash overseas

Hillary Clinton's campaign has held more fundraisers on foreign soil than any other candidate running for president in 2016.
The Clinton campaign has held at least 13 fundraisers overseas so far, involving celebrities such as jazz singer Tony Bennett and fashion editor Anna Wintour, according to tracking of political fundraising invitations by the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation.
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Monday, March 21, 2016

Black pastor says white folks have been pushed around by Obama...

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Investigation Into Hillary Clinton's Emails

Joseph diGenova talked about the investigation into emails sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s personal email server during her time as Secretary of State.
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'Mr. Sagebrush Rebellion' bankrolls push to seize federal land

When Western county commissioners wanted to start a nonprofit dedicated to taking over federal lands, they turned to a well-heeled 92-year-old businessman.
Bert Smith and his wife, Kathy, cut a $35,000 check. The American Lands Council was born in 2012.
Bert and Kathy Smith"I don't know how much money they've put into it over the years, but a lot," said Demar Dahl, an Elko County, Nev., commissioner and the organization's co-founder and current board member.
Bert Smith, now 95, styles himself "Mr. Sagebrush Rebellion" and calls jailed Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy a "hero." The Ogden, Utah, resident has quietly bankrolled a bevy of groups challenging the federal government's ownership of roughly 640 million acres of Western lands.

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Hillary Has an NSA Problem

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during her primary night gathering on March 15, 2016 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hillary Clinton defeated rival U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders in the Florida, Ohio and North Carolina primaries. For a year now, Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email during her tenure as secretary of state has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told youmonths ago, email-gate isn’t going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. At this point, email-gate may be the only thing standing between Ms. Clinton and the White House this November.
Specifically, the Federal Bureau of Investigation examination of email-gate, pursuant to provisions of the Espionage Act, poses a major threat to Ms. Clinton’s presidential aspirations. However, even if the FBI recommends prosecution of her or members of her inner circle for mishandling of classified information—which is something the politically unconnected routinely do face prosecution for—it’s by no means certain that the Department of Justice will follow the FBI’s lead.

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Judge Keeps Cliven Bundy in Jail, Citing a History of Resistance

A federal judge on Thursday refused to release Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, saying his history of ignoring court orders makes it unlikely he would return to court.
Bundy, 69, is accused of leading a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents who seized his cattle after two decades of illegally grazing them on public land and refusing to pay grazing fees.
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Poll: 3.2 million voters left out of the Florida primary say system is unfair

As Florida voters head to the polls on Tuesday, an estimated 3.2 million registered voters — about 27 percent of the 12.3 million total — are shut out of influencing Florida's choice.

Independent or unaffiliated voters in Florida are not eligible to vote in the 2016 presidential primary — unless they decided months ago to switch their voter affiliation and join one of the two dominant parties, and then vote in the partisan contests on March 15.

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Black Lives Matter gets behind Apple in encryption fight

The Black Lives Matter movement is lining up behind Apple in its fight with the FBI. 
In recent weeks, voices in the movement and civil rights activists such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson have met with Apple officials and filed briefs on behalf of the company, which is resisting a court order to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. 
The groups are getting involved because they say the case touches on long-standing concerns about police brutality and the illegal surveillance of activists, going back to the days of Martin Luther King Jr.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Florida poll workers find Democratic ballots in closet after telling voter primary for GOP only

Theresa Wibert (WFLA)
A Florida woman said poll workers tried to turn her away, saying the primary was for Republican voters only.
Theresa Wibert said a poll worker at her Polk County precinct handed her and her husband Republican ballots and told them Democrats could not vote in Tuesday’s primary, reported WFLA-TV.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hillary’s emails reveal lucrative ties to for-profit colleges

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally in Detroit, Michigan on March 7, 2016 (AFP Photo/Geoff Robins)

Student loan debt continues to be one of the largest economic issues plaguing the U.S., with the total amount topping $1.3 trillion. Hillary Clinton’s higher education policy touts debt-free degrees for underprivileged students. But is she being genuine in her efforts to address the issue?

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Ben Carson: I Didn’t Want To Endorse Trump, But He Promised Me A Job

Dr. Ben Carson appeared on video today for Newsmax TV and made more than one … let’s say “startling” admission. Not the kind of thing one usually spills the beans about, I’d say. Here is the first excerpt.
Ben Carson says he has been promised a place in... by tommyxtopher
Ben Carson wishes he could have endorsed... by tommyxtopher

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Donald J. Trump sounds like our drunk neighbor.

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Obama: "Hillary Clinton is a LIAR"

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These Florida Tea Partiers plan to set up a secret vigilante court to arrest — and possibly execute — Obama

Pat Wayman and Steven R. Fields (Facebook)

A Florida county is considering changes to its charter review board after two elected members have focused on punishing political enemies through extralegal tactics instead of government business.

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Hillary Clinton Saturday Night Live Campaign Video

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Heckler accuses Rubio of stealing his girlfriend

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

New Bernie Sanders Ad Is an Emotional Doc on Florida’s Farmworkers and a Smart Campaign Move

Things got pretty hot in Miami earlier this week as the democratic candidates duked it out for the Latino vote with a little help from Jorge Ramos and María Elena Salinas during the Univision/Washington Post debate. It was a great opportunity for Bernie and Hil to flex their Latino street cred for a demographic group that has yet to break clearly one way or the other, but openly prefers Democrats to that other guy. There were some dicey moments for sure, like when Hillary refused to answer a question about whether she’d be indicted for the Benghazi/personal email debacle, or when Bernie avoided exhortations to fully denounce communist Cuba. But either way, the final word will be had at the ballot box this coming Tuesday and in the primaries to come.

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Obama Trolls Trump: 'I Want To Know What That Wine Tastes Like'

"Come on," Obama said, still laughing. "Oh, boy. Selling wine. That's not what we're for. Couldn't make it up."

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Trump Florida Primary 2016 Supporters Aryan Campaign Flier

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Louie Gohmert: We Got Sanders Because We Let 'Hippies From The '60s' Become Teachers

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas addressed the political success of Sen. Bernie Sanders in a radio interview yesterday, saying that the self-described “democratic socialist” is doing well in the Democratic presidential primary because “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” influence the education system.

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Sanders camp fires back at Clinton for healthcare comments

Twitter/Mike Casca
A spokesman for Bernie Sanders retorted with a photo after Hillary Clinton said Saturday she didn't know where Sanders was during the healthcare fight in the 1990s. 

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Larry Kramer Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Reagan AIDS Advocacy Gaffe


In an interview with MSNBC during Nancy Reagan’s televised funeral on Friday, Hillary Clinton made horribly inaccurate comments about the Reagan administration’s handling of the AIDS crisis, and particularly Nancy Reagan’s role in “start[ing] a national conversation” about HIV/AIDS in America. Clinton’s words confused and angered many—and rightfully so. Nancy Reagan is widely viewed, along with her husband, as having turned her back on the thousands of citizens who were dying of AIDS in the 1980s, including her friend, Rock Hudson. For Clinton to call her actions “very effective, low-key advocacy” is plain insulting.

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Officials dispute newly released email that ties Flint water switch to pay hike

FLINT, MI – Flint City Council members would have their pay restored in exchange for "consideration of major city initiatives," such as the switch to the Karegnondi Water Authority as the source of the city's drinking water, according to emails released by the governor's office.
However, the Flint City Council president at the time of the switch denied any such offer was made -- a claim echoed by a spokesman for Gov. Rick Snyder.

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Michigan Relentless Positive Action PAC Whitewashes Privatization

This PAC has nothing to do with politics; it is part of a campaign for the legal defense of Governor Rick Snyder for following through with the National Republican Governors' political agenda: Privatization.

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Hillary Clinton Showed Support, Associates Profited from Ex-Im Bank Financing World’s Largest Coal Plants in South Africa

In 2009, the South African government announced a major energy plan to construct two new coal-fired power stations. The project, which aimed at building the world’s largest coal plants, came under intense criticism by various governments and climate activists, who saw it as a disastrous blow to the fight against climate change.
Yet newly released emails from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State, reveal that she acted in support of a World Bank loan for the construction of one of the plants.

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The United States Revokes Scientology’s Tax-Exempt Status

This article is false and has been passed around the net. 

The Church of Scientology loses tax exempt status
In a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court today, the eight justices ruled in favor of revoking the Church of Scientology’s tax-exempt status in the United States. Under the ruling, Scientology will still be able to operate as a business but no longer as a non-profit religious organization.

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Obama, Biden endorse Murphy in Florida Dem Senate primary

Getty Images
President Obama and Vice President Biden are throwing their considerable weight into Florida’s contentious Democratic Senate primary, endorsing Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.), his campaign announced Wednesday.
Obama and Biden’s involvement amounts to a full-court press by the Democratic Party establishment on behalf of Murphy, who is running against liberal firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.)

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Alan Grayson Is Caught in a Weird Place Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Rep. Alan Grayson may be Florida's bluntest politician. He's never short of words and always says what he means — unless you ask him whom he supports in the Democratic presidential primary. Grayson, who is running for U.S. Senate, accepted a spot on the Hillary Clinton campaign's Florida Leadership Council, but he doesn't want you to think that actually means he supports Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders. He likes Sanders too and isn't shy about throwing around the Vermont Democratic socialist's name in fundraising emails.

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Nurses super-PAC endorses primary challenger to Wasserman Schultz

Anne Wernikoff
A super-PAC for nurses that has spent more than $1 million in support of Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign has endorsed a primary challenger to Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)
National Nurses United on Wednesday announced their endorsement of Florida professor Tim Canova, who is trying to to unseat Wasserman Schultz in the Democratic primary. 
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Cliven Bundy Refuses To Enter Plea In Nevada US Court

Cliven Bundy was arrested in Portland Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016.Jailed rancher Cliven Bundy refused to acknowledge federal authority and declined to enter a plea in a U.S. court to criminal charges that he that he led an armed standoff against federal agents two years ago.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Coming Legal Crisis

Secretary Clinton is exposed twice over. First, she used an unsecured, home-brew server to send and store reams of classified materials. Second, in her official capacity, she worked closely with major donors to the Clinton Foundation. Each poses legal risks, with potential ramifications for the Democratic frontrunner, her party, and the Obama administration.

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Monday, March 7, 2016

Gov. Snyder retains outside attorneys over Flint water

LANSING -- Gov. Rick Snyder has hired two outside attorneys in connection with the Flint drinking water crisis, including a criminal defense attorney retained to serve as "investigatory counsel," a Snyder spokesman confirmed Thursday.

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Hillary Clinton stumps at Detroit black churches


Detroit — Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited three east side Detroit black churches Sunday, talking about the water contamination crisis in Flint, the conditions of Detroit Public Schools and other urban issues impacting Michigan cities.

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The Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.  Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes. 

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Sen. Justin Alfond to introduce bill to return Maine to primary process

PORTLAND, Maine —State Sen. Justin Alfond of Portland says he will introduce a bill on Monday to return Maine to the primary process for both parties.
Thousands of people turned out to vote at Portland's Deering High School, overwhelming party officials.
The line for much of Sunday afternoon was more than a half-mile long.

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sale Of Blue Nation Review Gives Hillary Clinton Camp Its Very Own Media Outlet

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is acquiring a media outlet, sources involved in the negotiation and sale of the site tell The Huffington Post. 
True Blue Media, a newly formed company incorporated by Brock, has acquired progressive news website Blue Nation Review. BNR's previous owner, MOKO Social Media Limited, will retain a 20 percent stake in the new entity while Brock will hold the remaining 80 percent equity balance. The sale was finalized Monday night.
Peter Daou, digital media strategist for Clinton's 2008 campaign, will serve as the new CEO of True Blue Media.
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Cliven Bundy makes initial court appearance in Nevada

Cliven Bundy
LAS VEGAS — The renegade rancher at the center of a states-versus-federal rights fight made his first appearance before a U.S. judge in Las Vegas on Friday, while one of his sons did likewise in Utah.
Four others appeared before federal judges in Idaho, bringing to 19 the number of people charged with conspiracy, assault and other crimes in connection with the 2014 armed standoff over grazing cattle on U.S. land near Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch.
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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Cleveland looking to buy riot gear for Republican convention

Getty Images
Cleveland is looking to buy riot gear in preparation for the Republican National Convention in July.
Using part of a $50 million federal security grant, the city is looking to buy 2,000 sets of riot gear which includes riot-control suits and collapsible batons, reported. Specifically, it referred to the "Elite Defender" riot-control suit and 26-inch baton manufactured by Monadnock.

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Friday, March 4, 2016

46Beer Company Includes Hidden Presidential Endorsement on Can

Vermont's Burlington Beer Company has included a hidden message of support for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on its cans. NECN's Jack Thurston reports.

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Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

As voting rights advocates predicted loud and often, new voter ID laws seem to be hitting Democrats harder than Republicans.
GOP voter turnout in this year's presidential race is up 62 percent relative to 2008, the last time both parties had open contests. But Democratic voter turnout is down by 29 percent across all the primary and caucus states that have voted so far. In all but two states, fewer Democrats turned out to vote in 2016 than did in 2008.
Evidence suggests that new voting restrictions are at least a contributing factor.

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Glenn Beck’s Trump Riff: ‘The Stabbing Just Wouldn’t Stop’ [AUDIO]

During a monologue Friday about Donald Trump’s Thursday night debate performance, radio host Glenn Beck said that if he “had a knife, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

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How Hillary Clinton’s Vote Against Clean Water Regulations Could Cost Her Michigan

As International Business Times reported, one of the manufacturers of MTBE
was ExxonMobil, a major supporter of the Clinton Foundation. In 2005, Senator Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) introduced an amendment to a sweeping energy policy bill that would have banned the use of MTBE. While the amendment passed overwhelmingly with 70 votes in favor and 26 opposing, Hillary Clinton joined 14 Republicans and 11 Democrats in voting against the measure. According to, Clinton raised over $74,000 from the oil and gas industry for her 2006 re-election effort. To date, ExxonMobil has given roughly $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.

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Two crazy liberals, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush talk about immigration

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Walked All Over Texas' Restrictive Abortion Law

Ginsburg and her female colleagues were far from convinced. When Keller pointed to the biggest, most populous cities in the great state of Texas -- where clinics are complying with the law -- as proof that the procedure would remain available elsewhere if the court upheld the law, Ginsburg took him to task for what is likely the state's weakest argument.
"Well, how many women are located over 100 miles from the nearest clinic?" she asked.
That's when the slow and painful unraveling of Keller began. He conceded that "25 percent" of women -- by which he meant roughly 1.5 million -- do. To him that was no harm, no foul. He reasoned that some women could always go to nearby New Mexico, which doesn't have the same restrictions on abortion clinics as Texas.
"That's odd that you point to the New Mexico facility," Ginsburg shot back. "If your argument is right, then New Mexico is not an available way out for Texas, because Texas says to protect our women, we need these things." Instead, she said, the state proposed to "send them off" to New Mexico, whose clinics are not subject to any of Texas' health-conscious regulations.
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Clinton Takes Aim at Another Government Watchdog

<p>Under the lights.</p>
 Photographer: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty ImagesThe Hillary Clinton campaign has gone on the attack against the government official who conducts oversight of the State Department she used to run, accusing him of partisanship and misconduct without any direct evidence. That strategy could backfire by politicizing the role of the government's inspectors general and undermining needed State Department reforms.

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Nancy Pelosi Just Dropped Presidential Campaign Bombshell, Comes Out Against Superdelegates

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary ClintonIf you listen carefully, you’ll hear the whisper of a butterfly waving its wings in China, and the thundering crash of the House of Clinton collapsing. Seriously.


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Pelosi pans superdelegate system

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday amplified her criticism of the Democrats' presidential primary system, saying the states' pledged delegates — and not the superdelegates — should decide the winner.

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