Thursday, September 1, 2011

Video: Does New 9/11 Children's Coloring Book Demonize Muslims?

A 9/11 coloring book to remember the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center is being accused of demonizing Muslims.

‘We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom,’ published by Missouri-based Really Big Coloring Books, begins with Osama bin Laden plotting to attack the United States and ends with him being shot by a Navy SEAL.

However, one page of the coloring book states: “Children, the truth is, these terrorist acts were done by freedom-hating Islamic Muslim extremists. These crazy people hate the American way of life because we are FREE and our society is FREE.”

“The truth is the truth,” Wayne Bell, the head of Really Big Coloring Books, said. “It’s unfortunate that they were all Muslim and that’s the part people want to erase.” 
Dawud Walid, Michigan representative for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), called the book "disgusting" because it portrays all Muslims as terrorists.

Walid told ABC News, “This publisher is doing a disservice to innocent young minds by showing this type of nonsense. In every single reference to Muslims has to do with radical, extremists, and depictions of people being terrorists. Little kids who pick up this book can have their perceptions colored by those images… it instills bias in young minds.”

Really Big Coloring Books has published other politically themed coloring books, including the 'The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids' and 'President Obama ‘An Activity & Work Book.'

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