Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birther movement aborted: Michele Bachmann admits Obama is US citizen

Birther movement aborted: Michele Bachmann admits Obama is US citizen

Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann admitted that President Obama was born in America on national television.

The Birther movement hit a brick wall when Tea Party poster child Rep. Michele Bachmann admitted on Good Morning America that President Barack Obama was indeed an American citizen.
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos confronted Bachmann with an official, certified copy of President Obama's birth certificate on April 21, 2011.
Bachmann tried to skate around admission by repeating, 'all he has to do is submit that', referring to the birth certificate Stephanopoulos held up to the camera. But Bachmann finally caved under the overwhelming evidence staring her in the face.
"Well then that should settle it." Bachmann said.
When someone like Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann admitts on national television that President Obama was born in America, the Birther movement is on it's way to a long-awaited death. Despite what Donald Trump says, Barack Obama is an American citizen.
Watch the video to see the GMA interview.

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